Studies Show Low Testosterone Associated with Covid-19
It’s a well-established fact that Covid-19 has led to significantly more deaths among men than women in both in the U.S. and worldwide.
Initially researchers had speculated that this may be in part due to behavioral differences between the sexes. For example, men are known to be greater risk takers – which might lead to males taking fewer Covid precautions. Similarly, men may have a greater exposure rate to infection due to workforce differences – since women’s labor force participation is 57% while men’s is much at 69%.
But recent clinical studies now increasingly seem to show that it may be the difference between the gender’s sex hormones – estrogen in women and testosterone in men – that had led to this gender disparity.
In this article the hormone replacement experts at Tutera Medical in Phoenix, AZ explore the recent research that looks at the relationship between Covid-19 infection, the male sex hormone testosterone, and mortality in men.
Statistics on Male vs Female Deaths Due to Covid-19
CDC data collected from February 2020 to August 2021 shows that 65,000 more men than women had died from COVID-19 (362,187 male deaths and 296,567 female deaths). This translates to 22% more men than women dying of the coronavirus.
However, among Covid sufferers aged 45 to 64, the number of male deaths (as of September 15, 2021), was almost twice the number of female deaths. (79,711 men vs. 45,587 women). And in India, an astounding 69% per cent of Covid deaths have been among males.
Covid-19 and Testosterone
Researchers have established that low testosterone levels are associated with poor outcomes and death in male Covid patients. But the question remained, does “Low T” cause more serious Covid infection, OR is it actually the coronavirus that is causing the depletion of testosterone levels?
A new study out of Turkey has suggested that the reason more men than women die from Covid-19 is due to the ability of SARS-CoV-2 to deplete testosterone levels.
Researchers from University of Mersin, and the Mersin City Education and Research Hospital in Turkey, published a report in the journal The Aging Male. Data from that study suggests that first the Covid-19 infection deteriorates serum testosterone levels in SARS-CoV-2 infected male patients. The “Low T” then in turn significantly increases the risk of death in patients with Covid-19.
The authors of that studied suggested that additional research be done to discover possible improvement in clinical outcomes of male Covid-patients through the use of testosterone hormone replacement therapy.
Low Testosterone and Immunity
Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone. It affects virtually every aspect of a man’s health – from libido and sexual performance to metabolism, energy, weight gain and immune function. However, testosterone levels decrease in men on average by about 1 to 2% per year after the age of 40 years.
Urology Professor Selahittin Çayan, the lead author of the Mersin study mentioned above, explained that testosterone is also closely associated with the immune system of respiratory organs, so low levels of testosterone likely increase the risk and severity of respiratory infections.
In that research article Professor Çayan then went on to say that “Testosterone treatment may also have benefits beyond improving outcomes for Covid-19.”
Testosterone Therapy May Improve Covid Immunity
Because the decrease in a man’s testosterone occurs gradually over time – unlike the dramatic hormone changes of menopause – many men don’t realize that their health problems are due to low testosterone. From sexual performance, to changes in appearance, to health problems and cognitive issues, it has long been known that testosterone affects almost every aspect of a man’s wellbeing.
This new research correlating low testosterone with Covid mortality is just one more reason to ensure that men’s testosterone levels are tested, monitored, and treated with hormone replacement therapy as they get older.
Low Testosterone Therapy – Phoenix AZ
A simple blood test by the Phoenix area hormone replacement experts at Tutera Medical can tell you if low testosterone may be at the root of your mental, physical, or sexual issues. If so, bioidentical hormone replacement pellets can naturally restore your body’s testosterone to ideal levels. See results within 10 days of BHRT treatment, and experience benefits that can last up to 6 months with a single, painless office procedure!