Hormone Replacement

Did you know that hormone replacement using pellet implants has been around for more than 70 years? In fact, scientists have published positive research on the benefits of this therapy in authoritative international journals for decades.
Bioidentical hormone pellet therapy was originally developed in Europe during the 1930s. It proved an excellent treatment for hormone deficiencies, especially in menopause. The highly-respected pioneer of endocrinology, Dr. Robert B. Greenblatt, learned about this method and introduced it to his U.S. colleagues in 1939.
Dr. Gino Tutera, MD, FACOG was internationally recognized as a pioneer and the foremost leader in the field of bio-identical hormone pellet therapy. For more than 40 years he was a board certified OBGYN, performing his own research, testing, and analysis in the field of hormone replacement – developing SottoPelle® Hormone Therapy. This remarkable method of natural hormone replacement is based on his proprietary bio-identical pellet hormone delivery system. Many research studies now bear out what Dr. Tutera discovered years ago – that hormone balance is inextricably entwined with health and healing of the mind, body and spirit.
Today, practitioners across the globe use SottoPelle® Hormone Therapy to restore hormonal balance in men and women of all ages, because it is natural, safe, convenient and effective.
Using hormone pellet therapy we can tailor your hormone replacement according to your specific needs – something other methods will never deliver. This remarkably simple, hassle-free therapy can return you to the balance and vitality of healthy hormone levels. It can give you back your life – naturally.
Pellet therapy for hormone replacement has been around for over 70 years and is the safest, most effective form of hormone replacement therapy available. The pellets are compounded in custom dosages to meet each patient’s needs, and the tiny implants (about the size of a grain of rice) are inserted under the skin. A single quick insertion lasts for three to six months – so there are no daily pills to remember, and no messy creams or patches to apply!
Unlike synthetic hormones, pellet therapy uses bioidentical hormones, meaning they are molecularly identical to the hormones produced by the human body. The pellet delivery system allows for a consistent, gradual release of a physiologic dose of hormone, with no roller coaster effect. It’s what your body needs, in the right amount, exactly when you need it.
Hormone Pellet Therapy for Women
Most of our female patients come looking for relief for symptoms of menopause and perimenopause: hot flashes, night sweats, feelings of anxiety or depression, loss of libido, or just feeling fuzzy, tired and “off.” They may also start gaining weight they can’t lose, experience hair loss, or get headaches. But research indicates that hormone replacement also offers protection against heart and artery disease, osteoporosis, and cognitive decline during aging.
Schedule an appointment for hormone testing at one of our three Phoenix area offices – in Scottsdale, Glendale, Chandler or Page, AZ – and start living your best life today!
Hormone Pellet Therapy for Men
Men don’t usually think about Andropause, what that brings into their life, nor how it affects their relationships. Most men simply assume that their lack of sexual desire, mental clarity, or physical drive is due to “Well, I’m over 50 years old now…” and not much else. Most men have no idea waning Testosterone levels are adversely affecting their lives, their sexual performance and enjoyment, and their dreams of the future!
Schedule an appointment for hormone testing at one of our three Phoenix area offices – in Scottsdale, Glendale, Chandler or Page, AZ – and start living your best life today!
Hormone Pellet Therapy for Health & Well Being
Tutera Medical’s approach to wellness is based on achieving physiologic hormonal balance – which research has shown is vital to good health and well-being. Of all the hormone replacement modalities, only pellet therapy can provide this balance 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week.
Hormone rebalancing is well known for treating the symptoms of menopause. However, with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), our patients report that this has improved their sexual enjoyment & performance, an increase in energy & vitality. They also report building muscle and losing body fat as well as they have seen it help fight the physical signs of aging.
Schedule an appointment for hormone testing at one of our three Phoenix area offices – in Scottsdale, Glendale, Chandler or Page, AZ – and start living your best life today!
The Truth About Aging & How SottoPelle® Hormone Replacement Therapy Can Help
Do most practicing ob-gyns have sufficient nuanced knowledge about menopause and how to treat its symptoms?” asks gynecologist JoAnn Pinkerton, executive director of the North American Menopause Society (NAMS). “I don’t think so.” Pinkerton surveyed more than 1,000 medical professionals (including doctors, physician assistants and nurse practitioners) regarding their knowledge of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for menopause symptoms. Only 57 percent of physicians were up to date on their information, according to the survey’s results.” 1
Tutera Medical recognizes this need for specialized treatment and care for the growing population of middle aged adults. There is no reason to suffer through the symptoms and side effects of Menopause or Andropause that often impact quality of life. Typically, medical professionals are focused on areas from Pediatrics, Obstetrics to Geriatrics but the area of mid life changes is not medically categorized as a specialty.
This growing population demands that focused medical treatment and attention required for this subspecialty of care.
In a recent AARP article, it stated that “approximately 6,000 women in the U.S. reach menopause each day. By 2020, 50 million women will be postmenopausal. According to NAMS, about 75 percent of women experience some kind of menopausal distress.” 2
These statistics are staggering when you consider that most of these women go untreated. If you add the men who are often silent to their symptoms and problems during Andropause the unmet need for specialists like Tutera Medical is blatantly evident.
Tutera Medical was an early advocate of focused treatment to this very specific population. They have decades of success in treating the subspecialty of mid to late-life hormonal imbalance – Midiatrics. Tutera Medical has led the field with medical innovation that has helped patients live longer, healthier, and have enhanced quality of lives.
Tutera Medical providers administer safe, effective & natural hormone replacement therapies for men and women of all ages.